Healing PTSD and Trauma Symptoms

Reconsolidation of Traumatic Memories

The RTM Protocol - The Breakthrough in PTSD Treatment.

RTM has proven particularly effective for treating veterans who have experienced combat, sexual, childhood and other severe traumas. Our practice has has success treatment veterans as well as non-veterans who have experiences trauma.

The focus of RTM is to separate the traumatic feelings from the memories using a relaxed re-imaging process. Clients are guided to dissociate themselves from the traumatic memories and while separated from feelings of fear, terror or helplessness, make changes, so that the memory no longer signals fight, flight or danger. Following RTM treatment, people find they are no longer feel preoccupied with trauma events and their nightmares and flashbacks no longer trouble them.

RTM is a therapy that starts by questioning the client to the point that they show a physical response such as changes in breathing, body language, or vocal pitch. Once the reaction has been reached, the questioning ends and the work to clear the trauma. We will walk you through 3 levels of dissociation and image exercise that will cause the traumatic memories to reconsolidated. Once the client can talk about the trauma with no discomfort, the therapy is presumed to be a success

RTM is notable because:

It causes little discomfort to the client.

It can be administered in any normal quiet room by a Masters level counselor after a 4-day intensive and 3-month certification training. RTM can also be done virtually in the comfort of your own home.

It does not involve drugs or costly equipment.

It is a relatively quick therapy.

Anecdotal evidence indicates long-term efficacy.

In clinical trials RTM removed the nightmare and flashback symptoms of PTS in less than half the time of current therapies, often in less than two or three sessions.

RTM administered shortly after veterans return home can remove the symptoms and stop the PTS Syndrome from developing.


What is Reconsolidation of

Traumatic Memories (RTM©) Protocol Therapy?

RTM Protocol therapy is a non-drug, non-traumatizing treatment that re-programs the neurological connection between the brain’s feeling center and specific traumatic memories.

  • It requires 3 to 4, ninety minute therapy sessions,
  • Sessions are clinician-led during which the client sits in a comfortable chair and visualizes pictures on an imagined movie screen in a way that separates the traumatic memories from the traumatic feelings.
  • The sessions require no homework or practice outside the therapy sessions.
  • Clients remain completely relaxed and comfortable while they construct the images on the imagined movie screen during the treatments.
  • The treatments completely eliminate traumatic nightmares, flashback and directly related emotional problems for over 90% of clients.
  • After RTM therapy, people can remember past traumatic events with no traumatic feelings

What are the goals of RTM?

  • Alleviate flashbacks and nightmares
  • Eliminate re-living stressful events, including negative physical reactions like sweating, muscular tensions and heart pounding.
  • Improved sleep, concentration, emotional control.
  • Reduced hypervigilance
  • Increased freedom in thought and action

What Will I Be Doing in RTM?

Over approximately 3-4 individual therapy sessions:

  • You will be asked about flashbacks and nightmares and trauma related events in a way that is non traumatizing
  • You will be given directions that will help you stay calm and relaxed
  • You will practice the visual formats that are key to the RTM process
  • You will learn how to create dissociation and get distance from the event
  • You will notice how the physical sensations related to the events decrease during each session
  • You will find the RTM Protocol steps easier and easier to do with each session.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I participate if I am recovering from a substance abuse problem?

Yes, if you are able to concentrate and follow the RTM Protocol steps.

Q: What will be expected of me?

You will be expected to show up for appointments or give 24 hours notice, if you need to reschedule. 4 appointments will be set up over a relatively short time frame so that you make progress and gain momentum.

Q: Does RTM work with multiple traumas?

Yes, RTM is designed to work multiply traumatic events in order to alleviate the symptoms of PTSD. Typically treating 1-4 events works to re-program the brain and collapse all PTSD symptoms.

Q: Will I be able to handle doing RTM?

Yes, RTM is a non-traumatizing process. Clinicians are trained to ensure you stay as relaxed as possible instead of getting hooked and re-associating into the traumatic feelings. You are free to ask questions about any concerns  you have. Also, please appreciate that the clinician does not need extensive information about the trauma event to start treatment with RTM. After minimal details are gathered RTM treatment proceeds in a safe methodical fashion.

Q: For whom does RTM works best?

RTM works for people dealing with a wide range of traumatic events. Whether the trauma event happened 1 month ago or 50 years past, RTM can help all ages. Anyone who is tired of suffering with PTSD symptoms and wants a better quality of daily living will gain from RTM treatment. Even the most skeptical of veterans who have been  willing to give RTM a chance have been grateful they went forward with RTM Protocol Therapy.

The following five points provide some possible responses to Client questions about RTM:

1. This is a neurological intervention; during trauma, parts of the brain get turned on and other parts get turned off. More particularly, in PTS those parts of the brain that control emotional expression (connections between the cortex and the amygdala) and that determine where we are (like the hippocampal complex), seem to become less effective. PTS tends to refresh the memory so that the event keeps getting re-experienced and re-processed as if it were a brand-new event. We are helping you restructure how the event is perceived so that the event feels like something in the past, not something that is always, or often present. RTM allows the event to be re-structured so that you no longer need to keep re-living it in the same way. RTM does not change the content of the memory, just how you perceive it. Flashbacks reflect the renewal of the memory and nightmares represent their unconscious reprocessing as current events. RTM makes it so that nightmares and flashbacks cease, and quality of sleep improves.

2. One way to think about the way that RTM works is that it disconnects the excessive, troublesome feelings associated with the event, and allows you to reflect upon the event in the same way that you can think about other events that are also in the past. At the same time, nightmares and flashbacks end and quality of sleep improves.

3. After experiencing the RTM intervention, you will discover that your memory of the event allows you to become a bystander to the event. You get to choose how you remember the event rather than getting hooked back into it and re-living it. You will no longer be stuck in a loop of re-experiencing it as if it were happening now.

4. Because of dealing with the structure of the event, your mind will be able to relax more and ,instead of working overtime with no choice, you will have more self-control. For many people this can mean a reduction in both hypervigilance and impulsive behaviors

5. It is very important for you to understand that we are not going to change or eliminate the memory. The memory does not go away; it is only coded differently so that it becomes just another memory. There may still have negative emotions associated to the memory, but these will be normal responses, appropriate and warranted, to a tough time that is now in the past.


https://youtu.be/3zi6f2ihCFI https://youtu.be/044nd9Oz9Bc

RTM Brochure https://sway.office.com/QHi6Fz...

Maria Giuliana, LMHC is an RTM Certified Provider


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Maria Giuliana, LMHC, US  Navy Veteran, (She/Her) 

3955 Riverside Ave
Jacksonville, FL 32205
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(904) 990-1366 Fax

[email protected]